Curriculum Vitae - Frederik Van Zande
My book collection:
- Programming
background - User Experience
Design - E-marketing
& CSS - Design
Currently working full-time for Belfius
last update:
About me
Freelance UX designer,
e-strategist & templater
Generalist & specialist
I'm a generalist with a diverse knowledge of UX disciplines and a specialist in multiple areas. My design and programming background allows me to create realistic concepts and to follow up on the implementations and quality control. I combine my UX with e-marketing knowledge to create website strategies and to optimize conversions.
I create templates with high-end semantics, SEO and extensive responsive optimizations. My template work shows most to advantage for high traffic websites.
UX focus on content & UI
I have been doing UX for 9 years and e-marketing for 8 years. My experience with content makes me stand out most. What to communicate, how to structure it, how to make it work best, how to optimize it for all media and how to maintain it.
My user experience design disciplines include information architecture, content strategy, information design, findability, usability, interaction + interface design.
Semantic & responsive templates
I have 12 years' template experience. I can wireframe and prototype in HTML & CSS, reducing the overall development & design time significantly. I love to play with interfaces and to transform designs for responsive websites.
I stand out with my semantic and rich metadata skills and my UX knowledge allows me to make better decisions on the fly. I work with a mobile first approach, keep an eye on performance, and simplify interfaces while keeping all their functionalities.
For UX work I can be deployed in a bigger UX team or as the only UX designer for big and small projects. I work mostly as the middleman between the client and the design + development team.
For templating work I prefer projects where semantics, SEO and clean code matter or websites that need extensive responsive optimizations. My template work shows most to advantage for high traffic websites.
Frederik Van Zande
User experience designer, internet strategist, HTML & CSS expert
Gender: male
Age: 35 years old
Date of birth: , Leuven
Nationality: Belgian
Residence: Vielsalm, Belgium - Google Maps
Driver license: A, B
Languages (CEFR guideline)
- Dutch: C2 - mother tongue
- English: C1 - effective operational proficiency
- French: B1 - Independent user - intermediate
Work history
UX designer, information architect - freelance
- present
Belfius, Brussels
UX designer, e-strategist, templater - self-employed, freelance
- present
Experience Matters, Vielsalm
I built a CMS for high-end responsive and semantic websites and worked as freelancer on bigger UX and templating projects.
We created our own CMS "Contend" to built fully responsive and semantic websites. I also worked as freelance UX designer and/or templater on bigger projects like pharmaceutical software interface designs and a social network.
Featured projects
Janssen Pharmaceutica - Report to the community 2013
The first project with our Contend CMS: a huge CSR report made with 2 persons in just 201 hours. That includes everything from templating, project management, optimizations, tablet scaling, programming to filling in content and choosing photos.
Meplis - Health collaboration platform
I helped the Meplis team as a freelancer with UX consultancy on their new social network system, translated HC pro - patient interactions into modules that can easily be reused / extended, and implemented a custom template framework for easy and fast restyling.
Fruit At Work website
I started with a website strategy, translated it to a content plan and templated the new website. This project is a showcase of responsive webdesign in our Contend CMS.
Contend CMS
We created our own CMS based upon Information Architecture principles that has a separate content database containing all the content relations and types. From the content system you can build websites, reports, apps etc ...
It has a structure that runs further inside the page (controlled nested templates), semantic templates (HTML5, microdata & rdfa), built-in responsive tools and grid system, template switcher and compiles its own CSS based upon what is used in the templates. We have one base installation that we regularly update and improve, and can push new functionalities and updates of modules to other installations with just a few clicks.
UX designer, templater, webteam lead - freelance
Comfi, Anderlecht
I lead and managed the development team, helped selling projects and did all the UX and templating work.
I led and managed the development team, created productivity tools, helped selling the projects, did all the UX, wireframing, prototyping and templating.
We started with a 2 persons and ended with a 5 person development team making huge websites. From event sites to full corporate websites and annual or CSR reports for the pharma industry, real estate companies, financial institutions, BEL 20, European & national federations, ...
Under the Bemore brand I translated corporate storytelling into content plans and web strategies.
Featured projects
Nyrstar - Annual report 2011 & 2012
In 2011 we transformed a huge annual report of 600 A4 pages into a annual report website in just 5 weeks. In 2012 we did the same, but this time it became the main publication and we made it tablet compatible. The PDF renders of the facts and figures were used as the required printed version, which was a big cost saving.
FEDNOT - Notarius Magazine
We connected a Comfi CMS implementation with an iPad app.It allowed the communication team to produce good looking interactive digital magazines for the iPad and the website, with no external help needed.
Comfi CMS
We made our own CMS, based upon IA principles. It has a flexible information architecture, makes it easy to wireframe and prototype with real content, and optimize that content in a next step with better templates and styling. The CMS makes it easy to translate fast, and other tools like a table mapper, note system, PDF render, etc ... allowed us to make huge reports with a small team in a very short time span.
Web designer, UX designer, designer - self-employed
Entity webdesign, Leuven
I created 4 years part-time websites and print work followed by 2 years as a full-time UX designer and templater.
During my Creative Media studies and my job at Mio I made part-time websites and magazines for clients. After Mio I became full-time self-employed and focused on UX and e-marketing. I studied 25% of my time and applied the new knowledge on client projects.
Featured projects
Sip-well website
I received a "carte blanche" from Sip-Well to apply my new knowledge about landing page optimization, e-marketing and UX design. I made a comprehensive website strategy, wireframes, a prototype, content briefings and the website design and code.
The conversion rates of all goals showed a strong increase, with the highlight a conversion rate increase of +1800% for visitors with a search query that didn't contain Sip-Well.
Mio Technology website - design & templating
I translated the wireframes into designs and templated the HTML and CSS with a focus on SEO, accessibility, progressive enhancement, and a full separation of content and style. The templates were documented and built for easy redesigns without changing the HTML.
Web designer, templater
Mio Technology, Asse
I redesigned and templated the Mio Website completely. Our website grew from +200.000 to +1.500.000 unique visitors per month and had many no.1 results on Google.
I redesigned the Mio Website completely, defined and follow up on the "best practices" for HTML, CSS, SEO, accessibility, progressive enhancement, etc ... for a worldwide implementation of the Reddot CMS. SEO optimizations resulted in many number 1 results on Google for the most important keywords. Our websites grew from +200.000 to +1.500.000 unique visitors per month.
Started as a web designer and gradually became a UX designer. It was here that my passion for user centered design started as I could see the direct impact of my work: reduced workload and better results for colleagues (support, marketing and sales). In this fast growing team I redesigned and restructured every part of the website.
Featured projects
Mio Technology website - research, wireframes & prototype
Redesign of all the product pages, press section and "about us" section:
- research, content strategy, information architecture, UX improvements, wireframing
- quickly choose (and buy) the right GPS device
- harmonization of all product pages and features, with minimal extra content costs, also for older devices
- connecting product related content to the product pages (support, accessories and updates, quick tips and tricks, ...)
- improve press relations (implementation of all the recommendations of the NN/g group)
These wireframes were used later as a base for all Mio websites worldwide.
Redesign Mio Support section
Redesign of the existing support system:
- new templates with SEO optimalisation
- optimal usage of tagging and metadata leading to improved internal search results
- optimalization of the search result pages
- content design optimalization of the articles
This led to a serious reduction of phone support and general support costs.
Creation Mio Club + newsletter
Design of a "fun" section with navigation tips and tricks, speedcam locations, map updates, coupled to a monthly newsletter. This section got +260.000 visitors each month after a year.
Education history
UX, e-marketing, templating, webdesign - Self study
- present
I became a passionate learner since my Creative Media studies: from reading books after work hours, to several months of full-time studying. I studied UX design disciplines, e-marketing, website optimizations, semantic HTML + CSS and sector specializations.
I became a passionate learner since my Creative Media studies: from reading books after work hours, to several months of full-time studying.
- UX design disciplines: usability, IA, content strategy and design, interaction and interface design, findability, ...
- e-marketing and website optimizations: call to actions, social media, analytics, conversions and persuasions, ....
- semantic HTML and CSS: microdata, rdfa, mobile first and responsive webdesign, template systems, SEO, performance, accessibility, ....
- sector specializations: finance, press, investors, corporate websites, e-commerce
- Ongoing: UX strategy
- : Rapid prototyping techniques (HTML & JavaScript),
performance optimizations (CSS, JavaScript, GPU),
Progressive Web Apps -
- : axure RP 8 (refresh)
job related
- : Workflow automation refresh (node.js, Gulp, ...),
performance optimizationsjob related
- : Agile user experience design,
user story mappingjob related
- : CMS architecture, CSS compilers,
design patterns for social media networks.job related
- : Content strategy, content work flows, mobile usability,
CSS compilers, SMACSS, microdata, RDFa.full-time
- : HTML5, responsive CSS, website performance,
mobile and tablet usabilty, e-marketing, UX design.job related
- : Corporate websites, press and investor relations,
annual reports. CSR reports,
information design, usability, social media marketing.job related
- : Information design, information architecture,
analytics, email marketing.job related
- : UX design, interaction design, interface design, usability,
e-commerce, conversion and persuasion,
microformats, accessibility.full-time
- : Usability, UX design, information architecture,
interaction design, findability..job related
- : SEO, XML, progressive enhancement,
web design.job related
- : Web design, semantic HTML, SEO, CSS,
JavaScript, PHP.full-time
- : 3D modelling, texturing and lighting,
rigging, animation, particles.full-time
- : Design techniques and software:
Photoshop, Illustrator, HTML, After Effects, Premiere, Cinema related
Creative media
SAE Rotterdam
Webdesign, 3D, DTP, motion graphics
Applied informatics
Katholieke Hogeschool Leuven
Computer sciences
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Heilig Hartcollege Tervuren
For UX work I can be deployed in a bigger UX team or as the only UX designer for big and small projects. I have worked mostly as the middleman between the client and the design + development team. I briefed them and followed up on their results.
For templating work I prefer projects where semantics, SEO and clean code matter. Or websites that need extensive responsive optimizations. I put time and effort into optimized templates and they are shown most to advantage for high traffic websites.
I take project and time based jobs, long and short freelance assignments: Heuristic evaluations of a few hours, huge projects from a few months to years, in-house as a consultant or as part of the team.
Currently working full-time for Belfius and on some personal projects.
Only available for smaller jobs without a tight deadline.
Social media marketing
skill level Intermediate
6 years of experience
I developed successful website strategies that involved intensive use of social media to connect with their customer base and potential customers.